


We aim to become a company that delivers the heart of Japan to everyone who loves traveling in Japan. The number of travelers visiting Japan from abroad is increasing. However, travelers from the West, Australia traveling to Asian countries was commonplace. But, why was there so few tourists to Japan why is it the same Asia? I think there are several reasons. One is a language barrier. There was not enough effort to tell foreigners properly about Japan maybe. Another thing is that there was not enough effort to ask where to go to travel to Japan. We will spare no effort to communicate words clearly to each person who is going to travel Japan beyond the wall of lunguages. We aim to become a company that provides such services. On August 1, 2019, we established UTP Consulting Japan of General Incorporated Association in Kashima City, Saga Prefecture.

佐賀県知事登録旅行業第2-85号 (一社)全国旅行業協会会員
総合旅行業務取扱管理者/代表理事 川﨑利政
〒849-1311 佐賀県鹿島市大字高津原4010番地
UTP Consulting Japan of General Incorporated Association  
4010 Oazatakatsuhara, Kashima-city, Saga 849-1311 Japan
Representative Director  Toshimasa Kawasaki